Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Qustion our crediblity before questioning neibour

I am not trying to say anything because I'm a liberal but because we tamils are only acting on emotional base without thinking and analyzing. Those of us went up and down about liberals did not come out to talk in Ottawa have to think hard. Where have our emotions gone when the conservative Government along with China giving GOSL 3M$ on top of the feb announced 4M$+ funding because SL has asked its not enough to feed sheltered tamils. Why all of us are anger knife at china and not at our conservative government? Canada's money is not being distributed through aid agencies as discussed in the Parliament.
Why is it no one running up and down when the conservatives shake hand with GOSL? Have your emails and texts gone disapeared? I'm not trying to bring an argument on this, but because I got messages at that time, I am asking this. Which one is way serious, not showing up at rally or shaking hand with SL and giving money? I appreciate NDP showing up, but they are not a powerful party. They will take any candidate, they will speak anywhere because they will not be in a position to govern at this recent times.
Why do we need to go up and down on political parties. Lets talk about our great leaders in our community. They have all the connections with politicians and why have they failed to convince them to bring them to speak at the rally? or have they not tried hard?
Bev Oda is in SL without any pre-consulation meetings with our great leaders in our community? Havn't our great leaders pressured enough not to hand over the money to SL?
This is the best part. While she is handing over the money in SL, our great leaders in Toronto is paving way for her by even cancelling a massive human chain that was to happen instead of oppossing and demonstrating against.
Do we not have the courage to think and ask questions rather than only jumping up and down on emotions? or can we not question our great leaders within our community in Canada?
Lets fix our community before we say liberal, conservative or ndp.

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