LTTE did not start the war after ceasefire. The GOSL withdrew from ceasefire agreement even though International Community urged GOSL not to do so. GOSL's intense fight(Genocide) on tamils(using LTTE label) have only increased in the last few months from begining times (mid of January 09) ignoring increased pressure from International Community from the begining. GOSL laughs at reports from any International Community and replies immediatly with attack right away to show they are insulting the reports.
A Government has it's obligations to follow international guidelines. If international community views LTTE and GOSL in their reports(waste papers hasn't changed a single step by Rajapakshe), then International Community has not labelled GOSL in state terrorism/genocide catergory as they did for LTTE. International Community through it's death cowardness silence allowing dictatorship. They failed to listen to not one but 100s of thousands of tamils around the world, and acted to protect. IC also blocked Tiger rebels from protecting those Tamils.
In this case, UN, Amnesty and others should not be naming themselves as world organizations to protect citizens of the world.
UN, Amnesty and other organizations need only to be published as business oriented organizations since their words, reports is not only disrepected by countries involved in human rights violations (Gonocide in GOSL case) but also insulted those countries.
Who is responsible for tens of thousands of civillians' death, 100s of thousands misplaced/injured over the past several years?
Answer: The internationl community because it blocked rebels from fighting against by the label terrorist. Tiger rebels have not been attacking sinhalese community targetting any single Sinhalese civillians.
Sinhalese community has not lost education in the last several months.
Sinhalese community has not lost properties or properties had been damaged, but more than 70% of the Tamils Community had lost properties or been damaged in the last several years of conflict.
Civillians from sinhalese community have no threat to their lives on a daily life, but Tamil Civillians have threat to their daily life anywhere in Sri Lanka.
With all these absolute good things Sinhalese community has and with all these absolute bad things happening to Tamils, Sinhalese Community around the world in very few numbers still trying to destroy demonstrations by Tamils around the world.
It's funny they do that because GOSL knows that IC is stupid enough to believe in what they say or do because they are Government and LTTE is labelled as terrorists. IC is clearing the pathway for GOSL's structural genocide pattern. Job well done.
There's no point in reports anymore. Too little too late and no sign of any actions by IC against GOSL. Tamils are giving up hope of saving Tamils in Sri Lanka.
I have not heard in recent memories of One countr's(Sri Lanka) and IC's dictatorship(partnership effort) and trying to shut one ethnic community(Tamils).
IC, UN, and Amnesty also failed to realize there is an urgent need for relieve councillors to handle mentally disturbed/stressed citizens within Tamils Community(in large numbers) in each of the countries Tamils live mainly Canada, US, UK, Australia, France, German and lot other countries in the last few months.
- Adults cannot carry out their daily routine. Family relationships are affected. They cannot concentrate on their work, business and family, social life. Mental disturbance and stress evantually adds to health problems.
- Seniors cannot take care of themselves due to mental disturbance, stress. This affects more healthwise for elderly.
- Students cannot concentrate on their studies(testimony during US Senate hearing mentioned high rate for Sri Lankans).
- Children are very disturbed and without their knowlege adding stress and missing a valuable family life.
All above mentioned because Tamils Community's voice has not been heard by UN, Amnesty and IC.
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