Monday, April 6, 2009


Yes we belive in democracy. Yes we believe in safty. Yes we belive in freedom. We also believe in freedom fighting against State terrorism and no we don't believe in terrorism.
Why should we think is not BBC is recently release false news flash on tamils' struggle when these are not even news. These are written information provided to BBC to shrink LTTE support and weaken Tamil Community around the world from backing LTTE.
How in heaven does Swaminathan Natarajan gather information and the publishes when there is media black out in the war zone? Jurnalism is always thinking from all angles so Swaminathan of BBC doesn't think voice clips to him by civillians can be forcefully arranged by SLA? Let's jurnalists are always to abid by what GOSL wants them to write, but it should not be for a world famous BBC news.
Just because one clip they receive saying a whole lot against LTTE, BBC can immediately news flash but yet tens of thousands protest around the world in support of LTTE and asking the world to recognize Tamils' land and BBC will never publish it. Never expected from a high standard BBC to just write anything as news without actually verifying.
BBC doesn't write about child rape by SL army, BBC dosn't write about thousands of children being being killed in Government announced 'Safe-death zone', BBC doesn't write about starvation to death of child structured by government of Sri Lanka, BBC dosn't write about pregnant women forced to abortion as soon entering into 'Safe-death zone', but BBC will write what the GOSL is authorizing them to write which is child recruitment. I thought BBC withdrew it's service through Srilanka's broadcasting due to the lack of freedom to publish the real news. I thought BBC stopped funding deal with GOSL's broadcast. I guess now it's opposite to that scenario which is GOSL is funding BBC to poison Tamils Freedom fight and to support state terrorism.
Recently there was news from BBC stating there was intense fight between SLA and LTTE at the sea. It's funny and makes angry when SLA shoots at civillians who are trying to escape and twist the story as fight. Makes me laugh at BBC or reporters like Swaminathan misprinting news using BBC.
God bless BBC for poisoning fight against Genocide-State terrorism

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